Jan Phillips

is a writer, storyteller and workshop facilitator who provokes thought and inspires action. Her retreats and presentations are multi-media, multi-sensory events that connect the heart and brain. She uses images, music, poetry and stories to evoke non-dualistic original thinking and expression. Jan is founder and Executive Director of the Livingkindness Foundation. She has published 10 award-winning books and 3 CDs of original music.

Regarding Jan

Jan’s workshop was ideal for me. I knew I loved photography but feared what I didn’t know. I gained confidence in practical information with lots of experiential learning. Even better, I was deeply inspired with possibilities for the future. I am grateful for Jan’s extraordinary knowledge, creativity, and encouragement.

Trish Murphy

Expect the unexpected when you encounter Jan Phillips….Her varied skills, life experiences, and insights provides a foundation for creative change. She is a master at listening to what you say, speaking her truth. This in turn guides you to your truth, sometimes in unexpected ways! Her sense of knowing, her humor, her photography and song, are gifts she willingly shares. The information I learned and the modeling I witnessed in her workshop has propelled me to reclaim my creative self, to share my wisdom, and to have fun in the process!

Katie Copeland

I was a participant in the recent workshop that you presented for the Dominican Sisters in Columbus, OH. What a great workshop. Everybody was talking about it long after you left, saying how special it was. Thank you so much, Jan, for doing this kind of work. I hope that you felt as affirmed as we did as a result of your workshop.

Sister Fran Hickey
OP Dearborn, MI

What inspired me most was the way Jan got us into the mood of reflection and expression. She took me places I never went before. Every day was inspiring and fulfilling.

Sylvia Bielen, OP

Jan Phillips is a natural storyteller with an uncommon ability to delight her audience and at the same time touch gently and profoundly into sacred truths. Jan communicates her relationship with the Divine with stunning ease, clarity and genuine warmth. I highly recommend her as a keynote speaker or presenter.

Sister Mary O’Brien, CSJ
Assistant Provincial, Albany Province

I love your Museletter and am using your videos for our Fall Assembly of sisters and associates. Thanks for all the ways you companion others to open to creativity and empowerment.

Sister Mary Beth McCurdy, SCIC
St. John, New Brunswick, Canada

Jan Phillips’ workshops cut to the core of what keeps us from fulfilling our creative destinies. She is insightful and compassionate, a loving friend and masterful teacher.Her books are great, but the experience of Jan in person is revelatory and life-changing.

Deborah Burgess
Video Producer, Toronto, Canada

As a keynote speaker at our annual conference, Jan far exceeded any other speaker I’ve encountered.

Sheri McConnell
Founder, National Association of Women Writers

Each of us left knowing the next steps we were commited to take in putting our own work out in the world in our own workshops. Well worth every minute, every insight, and every dollar spent!

Mary Sky Schoolcraft, Hawaii

I knew when I signed up for the Facilitator Traning that it was going to be good. I had no idea how above and beyond my expectations it would be. Jan’s gifts are extraordinary. She has changed my life!

Ellen Darby
Founder "The Collage Experience"

Jan Phillips Facilitator Training was key to unlocking the gates blocking me from my life’s work. I clearly see the steps and direction now. Jan creates a safe and rigorous self-discovery experience with a purpose, and does so with grace and humor.

Jeanne Fenton
Financial counselor / Coach

When Jan spoke in Key West, the audience was riveted. She was funny, profound, compelling—and when she finished, the entire room rose to give her a standing ovation. We knew then we wanted her at all the Prophets Conferences.

Robin Haines and Cody Johnson
Prophets Conference founders

This workshop was full of original exercises that forced me to focus on beginning and growing my business. Totally supportive, nurturing and gently helped me to task. Informative about my next necessary steps to business success.

Cris Kirk

With her warmth, humor and unique boldness, Jan touches people’s lives and stirs them to creative action. As one participant commented: ‘It was like going on a holiday to feed my soul.’

Gary A. Ritts, Minister
Second Congregational Church, Cohasset, MA

It was a an incredibly personal and rewarding workshop. Jan turns her light of wisdom on you and skillfully uncovers the best and brightest within you, and she does it with candor, honesty, sensitivity and soulfulness. .Jan Phillips integrates business savvy, human understanding ad spiritual revelation, engaging all participants in forward moving action.

Stacia Davis Moore
President Davis Moore, Inc.

Jan Phillips is one of the world’s premier evolutionary thought leaders. Her down-to- earth style coupled with her brilliant ability to speak with wisdom and clarity allowed me to open to possibilities I never imagined. Jan is a visionary who with grace, ease and delight helps all attendees discover unique gifts and talents.

Catherine Roma, PhD
President, Roma & Associates

Jan’s facilitator training mirrored to me my most vital goals. She put into words the concepts I need to build and articulate my platform. The weekend dissolved my obstacles to success and gave me the infrastructure I need to be exactly the entrepreneur I want to be. Jan’s insights were invaluable.

Kristin Curtis
Raleigh, NC

I was a participant in the recent workshop that you presented for the Dominican Sisters in Columbus, OH. What a great workshop. Everybody was talking about it long after you left, saying how special it was. Thank you so much, Jan, for doing this kind of work. I hope that you felt as affirmed as we did as a result of your workshop.

Sister Fran Hickey OP
Dearborn, MI

Jan’s facilitator training is more than learning how to formulate a plan to run your own workshop. It moves you into the next level of awareness, by learning to facilitate your own life. To drill down and learn how to communicate that vision to the most important person of all….yourself.

Lynn Croghan, Omaha

This facilitator training has been enlightening and inspiring. Jan has the ability to look deeply into the soul of the individual and express what she sees—who the individual is in essence and what the individual is capable of being.

Dr. Deborah Arthur
Founder - Body Connect

The weekend with Jan was a breakthrough weekend for our sisters. It was an opportunity for them to recognize their own and each others leadership potential.

Sr. Cecilia Liberatore, SND Provincial
Sisters of Notre Dame Chardon, OH

Jan Phillips, woman, artist, former sister, teacher, and muse, brings all of these experiences into her writing, and personal workshops. As Dominican Sister and as a working artist, I can resonate with the passion, energy and depth of spirituality that is exhibited in her writing and in her workshops. Discovering Jan has been an experience of being ‘mused’.

Joeann Daley, OP
Milwaukee, WI

“After Jan’s talk, we came away with a renewed commitment to our work, the inspiration to be more creative, and a greater sense of teamwork.”

William Lieberman
Director of Planning and Operations, Metropolitan Transit Development Board, San Diego

Jan’s no nonsence approach is very helpful in bringing big concepts down to manageable steps. Her workshop is practical, grounded and relevant. It was just the jumpstart I needed. Thanks!

Katherine Hunter

Jan’s Facilitator Training was beyond all expectations. It helped me to gain clarity and insight about my book project and writing career. I gained insight in facilitator techniques just watching her in action. Jan is incredibly intuitive, insightful and honest with her guidance and feedback.

Patti Chaffee
Writer / Chaplain

Time spent with Jan Phillips is transformative. In whatever context, Jan’s breath of wisdom, open heartedness and commitment to world service ignites the souls of those who have the good fortune to be in her presence. Her visionary thinking, humor, spontaneity, and expanded consciousness catalyzes an embodiment of our own soul/personal potential. Jan models the change for good that is now.

Peg Vernon, PhD
Clinical Psychologist

You will keep sentences in your mind, on your bulletin board, in your pocket and in your heart.

In reference to Jan's book No Ordinary Time
Gloria Steinem

Jan Phillips provided us with energy, inspiration and creative practical ways in which we can engage our artistic selves fully in the world. She was an absolute delight, and she touch us deeply. Her gifts offered us with a gentle call to be fully who we are.

Lucianne Siers OP
Dominican Institute for the Arts, Chair of the Board

Attending Jan’s Facilitator Training was, a realization that has opened my heart and mind to understand that; the desire we have must come true, because inherent in having the desire are the mechanics for its fulfillment. I experienced Magic, Bliss, Wonder beyond my wildest dreams. Thank you Jan!

Terri Rubio Bailey

Dearest Sister of my soul Jan, The cover of your book Marry Your Muse says it all—that’s exactly how I feel after your wonderful retreat. I feel free enough to dance and sing and praise God in my own little way. I can never thank God enough for you! I really feel joyful and I thank you for that and for all I’ll still get out of the best retreat I’ve made in 79 years.

Sister Mary Elise OSF
Williamsville, NY

Jan’s facilitator weekend revealed for me with greater clarity the “vision” planted in my innermost being.

Sandy Matttuci

I have been laid up for three weeks with four herniated disks. My healing of the weeks was your CD played in the Spring in Cleveland at Chardon with the Sisters of Notre Dame. I am also loving your book on Original Thinking…You are truly a gift in my life and I hardly know you. Thanks for the gift you are!!

Sr. Carolyn Marie, SND

After listening to Jan’s talk, there was slight pause, then all the students rose to give Jan a standing ovation. The emotion, the enthusiasm, and appreciation were almost palpable, and the classroom atmosphere was electric! I recommend Jan as a speaker without reservation!

Verne Sugarman
Chairperson, Psychology Department, Onondaga Community College

I came away refreshed and reawakened to the pure joy of creativity as it was expressed in your talk, your ideas, and so beautifully in your music. I discovered renewed power for all that I want and live to do.

Linda Loomis
Communications Director, State University of NY, Oswego

In one weekend, Jan Phillips gave me food and fire for my passion like I’ve never had before. I see real and viable ways to change my work and live closer to the life I want. I am transformed, enlivened and profoundly hopeful. I will be making my income in a different way than I was before this seminar. My spirit, heart and brain kept firing all weekend giving me confidence and content for groups and presentations. I also have the know-how now to market and bring my gifts to the people who need what I teach. To anyone considering this workshop: Don’t wait! You can get started NOW to get your new life launched.

Jane Myers Drew, Ph.D. Psychologist
Author of Where Were You When I Needed You, Dad? Creator of Let’s Connect! Game

There are many people presenting workshops on creativity these days, but few can match the power of Jan Phillips. Jan’s workshop is an uplifting experience for anyone seeking to live a more creative life.

Daniel Douglas, Minister
Unity Church of Today, Syracuse, NY

Jan entered into my head and heart and helped me recognize what I needed to do to resolve my doubts and move beyond my perceived limits.

Marty Espinola
Founder of Light Effects Workshop

The workshop has opened my soul to allow the unique expression of who I am and what I have to offer the world to emerge.

Sheila Coulbourn, RSCP, HHP

Jan has a amazing ability to touch the individual heart while at the same time being able to inspire the minds of the collective group to create, motivate and organize. She midwifes Spirit-led passion and then guides the co-creative process between diverse parts (minds or communities) to manifest a new creation that expresses something greater than the sum of its parts. It is something innovative and exciting; something that is a blessing to the world and all who are part of the creation. Simply, it is thrilling.

Rev. Melanie Burns
Spiritual Director Esprit Center for Inspired Living, Religious Science Naples Florida

Jan helped to forge a group of fine individuals into a first rate team. Everyone that participated in her training was glad for the experience and recognized that it resulted in real organizational progress and maturity.

Ben Dillingham III
San Diego Human Dignity Foundation

“Jan’s performance at Women of Wisdom was incredible! She’s a stand-up comic, an Ansel Adams and a Bodhisattva all blended into one.”

Jan Sloan
Conference organizer

Jan has a unique ability to center a group, bring it into alignment and inspire its members to be more innovative, industrious and collaborative. I highly recommend her as a speaker and facilitator!

Jackie Townsend
Townsend , Inc.

Jan’s retreat was a good push, upwardly and outwardly.

Pat Lucas, CSJ

I was personally touched most by your ability to blend story-telling, humor and the arts to help participants regain a healthy sense of themselves. It was an incredible presentation and I look forward to having you back again!

Laura Picou, MSN, RN
Terrebonne General Medical Center, Houma, LA

Jan Phillips gave an insightful radio interview and we had a standing room only crowd for her workshop. Jan is so unique, it will be difficult to top her.

Kate Thorne
Owner Sedona Books and Music, Sedona, AZ

Jan, your retreat was great! Thanks so much for sharing your many gifts and inviting me to stretch.

Anne Marie Dean, CSJ

Jan Phillips is an extraordinarily creative, insightful, clear presenter who can keep any audience riveted with mind-blowing facts and research, with colorful stories and anecdotes, and with wisdom garnered from diverse contexts around the world. She is unquestionably one of the best presenters I have experienced in my 25 years in higher education, and, on top of that, her presentations and workshops range across an incredible array of fascinating topics — creativity, leadership, spirituality, entrepreneurship, original thinking, personal and social transformation, training, self-expression, photography. She can bring both meaningful learning and sincere joy to any university context. If you seek a speaker who can captivate your school, department, unit, or other university context, and also bring real, practical ideas that lead to satisfying transformation, you can’t do better than Jan.

William S. Howe, III, Ph.D.
Director, LEAD, University of California San Diego

Jan was the keynote speaker at our annual convention and I was absolutely captivated with her presentation. Being in a profession that is all about the nuts and bolts of testing, evaluating and meeting governmental guidelines, Jan inspired the audience with her inspirational words and ideas. She made great use of stories to illustrate her points and engage the audience in her ideas. She challenged us to create an image of what we want to accomplish and that image itself becomes motivating on its own. Her ideas on creating balance in our life utilizing the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual sides of ourselves was just the sort of speech that we needed to get our convention off to a rousing start. It was both educational to the mind and nourishing to the soul. I highly recommend Jan Phillips as a speaker for your organization’s event.

Michelle Moelle
California Association of School Psychologists Convention

Jan’s training was life-changing and spiritually transformative. Not only did it help me identify my focus and prioritize my plans, it gave me true faith in my talents and the confidence to share them. The service and insights Jan Provides are invaluable.

Lynne Buchanan
Photographer / Yoga Teacher

Jan is brilliant, fun and will have you producing things you never thought possible! Jan embodies a wealth of information which she readily shares. She listened to me goals then reflected back an infinite variety of ways to achieve them. Taking her weekend retreat was the beginning of a beautiful journey for me!

Laurie Wood, Joyologist

Jan’s weekend with us was illuminating, transforming, profound and fun. Women left with a deeper appreciation of their own creative abilities and power to affect change.

Elaine Hirschenberger, SSSF | Dorothy Bock, SSSF
Womenspace Founders, Rockford, IL

With passion and wit, eloquence and pith, Jan Phillips encourages an open, robust and world-affirming spirituality. I heartily recommend her!

Rev. Jeff Procter Murphy
Via de Cristo United Methodist Church, Scottsdale, AZ

Dear Jan- I’m a Wheaton Franciscan Sister (Illinois) who was introduced to you through your music (which I have used in giving retreats). As someone who is now involved in formation ministry and spiritual companioning/ pastoral counseling, I find you are one of my companions who nourish me spiritually. Thank you so much for your breaking open of your life and spirit with me so many others.

Diane Przyborowski, OSF

Jan’s presentation was a stunner. She filled the auditorium. It was like a creative and refined revival meeting.

Hannelore Hahn
International Women’s Writing Guild Founder/Director

Jan’s presentation at River’s Edge at was both challenging and inspiring. She used her music and visual presentation to effectively communicate the message of her newest book, The Art of Original Thinking. Jan is a thoughtful and caring person and very aware of her responsibility in helping to create a more just and sustainable future for humankind. The audience was enthusiastic and highly engaged in Jan’s presentation.

Rita Petruziello, CSJ
Executive Director River’s Edge; Cleveland, Ohio

I have been laid up for three weeks with four herniated disks. My healing of the weeks was your CD played in the Spring in Cleveland at Chardon with the Sisters of Notre Dame. I am also loving your book on Original Thinking…You are truly a gift in my life and I hardly know you. Thanks for the gift you are!!

Sr. Carolyn Marie, SND

Jan’s facilitator training was an opportunity to focus my ideas and put them in a concise format that clearly delineates my offering to the world. Jan is a very attentive, generous, and skilled facilitator.

Barbara Brown
Canadian Labyrinth Ventures

Jan’s retreat was full, stimulating and challenging, It nourished my soul!

Lorelle Elcock (Prioress-elect)
Dominicans of Hope

This workshop was empowering. It helped me to clarify my goals and dream of some new possibilities. I appreciate Jan’s direct and supportive energy.

Christine Vaulter Paintner, PhD
Co-author of Lectio-Divine: Contemplative Awakening and Awareness

Your week-long seminar at Pendle Hill years ago changed my whole attitude about my work as a photographer, and since then I have joined 4 camera clubs and have won many awards. Thank you so much. Hope you will continue to bring out the best in all of us just being you.

Genie Sachs

The universal response to Jan’s day long presentation of “The Word, The Image, The Story: Tools of Transformation was so enthusiastic!  Jan is an inspirational speaker and leader who has the ability to engage and encourage others’ creative processes.  Through poetry, compelling images, stories, and invitations to explore one’s own inner wealth of experience, she was able to draw out even those who were convinced they were not “creative”!  The time she spent with us was too short!

Jeanette Weychert, SSJ, Ph.D.
Emmaus House Ministries, Ocean Grove, NJ

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