Still on Fire is another visionary book from thought leader Jan Phillips, an evolutionary work that connects spiritual consciousness with global action. A prophetic work of prose, prayer, and poetry.
—Deepak Chopra, MD
Unity Books is pleased to announce the October 2021 release of Still on Fire: Field Notes from a Queer Mystic by Jan Phillips. Still on Fire is a memoir of religious wounding and spiritual healing, of judgment and forgiveness, and of social activism in a world that is in our hands.
Author Jan Phillips was a devoted Catholic who wanted nothing more than to be a nun and who joyously entered the convent at 18. Two years later, she was dismissed for “a disposition unsuited to religious life, with excessive and exclusive friendships.”
She was lesbian. She had always known it. “It was being homosexual that made me want to kill myself [at 12],” she writes. “As far as I knew, there was nothing worse than being queer. They were perverts, sinners, hated by God, hated by just about everyone. Lezzies, bull dykes, fags, queers, lesbos—all damned, and there I was, one of them.”
Over the years, she created a life of love, service, community, and prayer. She evolved her understanding of God and came to see herself—and all of us—as the light of the world. “Had I not been born gay … my heart would not have broken in half, would not have opened itself to Love Supreme, would not have been tenderized by life’s bitter pounding.”
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Book Tour 2022- Meet the Author!
May 14, 3-5pm – Sun City, AZ
Still On Fire Talk & Booksigning
Sun City West LGBTQ Group
13800 Deer Valley Dr. Sun City, AZ (near Phoenix)
May 15, 8:30-10:30am – Phoenix, AZ
Church of the Beatitudes,, (602) 264-1221 ext. 103
555 W. Glendale Avenue, Phoenix AZ 85021
May 18, 7-8:30pm – Lenexa, KS
Facing Change: Where Do We Go From Here?
Unity of Overland Park – (913) 649-1750
10000 Marshall Dr, Lenexa, KS 66215
May 21, 10-1 pm – Des Moines, IA
Facing Change: Where Do We Go From Here
St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral
Janet Meade 515-208-3854
815 High Street, Des Moines, IA 50309
May 23, 6 pm – Peoria Heights, IL
Still On Fire—Field Notes from a Queer Mystic
I Know You Like a Book Bookstore, 309-685-2665
4707 N. Prospect, Peoria Heights, IL
May 24, 1:30-3:30pm – La Grange Park, IL
Mystic or Prophet—Who Do They Say You Are?
The Well,, 708 482-5048
1515 W. Ogden Ave, La Grange Park, IL 60526
May 28, 1-4pm – Westlake, OH
Facing Change: What It Means to be a Creator of the Future
Unity Spiritual Center at Westlake,
23855 Detroit Rd. Westlake, OH
June 1, 6-8 pm – Syracuse, NY
Talk & Booksigning
Barnes & Noble , (315) 449-2948
3454 Erie Boulevard East Dewitt, Syracuse, NY
June 17, 7-9 pm – Syracuse, NY
Talk and group ponder
Still On Fire—Art, Activism and Evolutionary Creativity
Art Rage Gallery, (315) 218-5711
505 Hawley Ave, Syracuse, NY 13203
June 18, – Syracuse, NY
Still On Fire: Forging a Faith of Joy and Justice
All Saints Church
(315) 472-9934,
1340 Lancaster Avenue Syracuse, NY 13210