This book is a guidebook to the mystical experience. Jan defines spiritual evolutionaries as those who create a living faith based on their commitments to be a force for good in the world. Every chapter includes a quote from a spiritual master, a reflection, a photograph and poem. It’s an elegant and inspiring invitation to a life of perfect balance.
The Great Betrayal (and Why I’m Glad to Be Gay)

Had I not been born gay, I might have missed the signs to the path of the heart, following the masses unwittingly into consumerism and consumption; had I not been at the deathbeds of brothers with AIDS, witnessed the violence against gays in more countries than my own, watched the transgendering process in my own family, been sent home from the convent because of my queerness, then my heart would not have broken in half, would not have opened itself to Love Supreme, would not have been tenderized by life’s bitter pounding.
The Roads Both Taken
We don’t have to keep referring back to the sacred texts of the past which were written by people for the people of that time. We are the prophets and mystics of this time, and we are the writers of the new sacred texts.
Introduction to How Light Becomes Us

“You belong to each other. Be food for each other.”
Much of what we know we know from the stories of others
Creativity and the Shaping of Our Consciousness
When we come into the world, our thoughts are shaped by the well-meaning adults in our lives. They love us. They want us to be safe. They pass on teachings and values they inherited, as that is all they know. As we mature and grow into the adults we are to become, we have a certain amount of shedding to do, for many of these notions are now outdated, supplanted by ideas which are evolving along Continue reading
An Opportunity for Action
Field Notes from a Queer Mystic
Gay Catholic misfit evolves into contemporary mystic after dismissal from convent, disapproval from church and introduction to diverse faith traditions.
Resources for Writers facing a New Dawn
A new day is upon us. It’s on us to co-create a culture that works for everyone. The old order is disintegrating. It lacked fairness, integrity, vision. It no longer met the requirements of this hour. And now WE are rising to the occasion, contributing our ideas, our stories, our poems to ignite the public imagination. Here are some resources to help the writers. This is a very short list of what to read and where Continue reading